Don’t Let Everybody Else Get in the Way

Don’t Let Everybody Else Get in the Way

Don’t Let Everybody Else Get in the Way

I turn 24 next month (June 22nd, to be plan accordingly). When I turned 22, I set some goals for things I wanted to accomplish by the time I was 25. For so long, I’ve put them off and done other things for other people in place of moving closer to my goals.

In truth, I feel as if I’m still as far away from accomplishing them now at (almost) 24 as I was back at 22.

Have you ever had things you wanted to accomplish “down the road?”

And you feel like you have forever to get them done.

Only, you wake up one day and have a epiphany that you’re already almost “down the road?”

Yeah, that’s where I’m at right now. If I don’t start moving towards those goals, 25 will pass; and I’ll still be as far away from accomplishing them as I was 3 years before.

Honestly, I think I’ve become so caught up in helping other people complete their goals that I’ve forgotten about my own. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to help other people. I love it. It’s really my passion. But sometimes, we have to make a conscious effort to live out our own dreams as well.

It’s good to help other people (even family) see their dreams come to life; but don’t let everybody else get in the way of seeing your own dreams come alive as well.

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